Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

VR uses the help of a headset and creates a simulated environment, you can access its virtual world, giving you the impression that you are physically present somewhere you are not. It allows you to experience a whole other reality by substituting the real environment with its own and offering you its own reality.

Applications of virtual reality in entertainment, including video games, education, such as training for the military or in medicine, and business, such as virtual meetings. Augmented reality and mixed reality, sometimes known as extended reality or XR, are further separate subsets of VR-style technologies.

Augmented Reality which is known as AR is the fusion of digital data with the user's surroundings in real time. AR users encounter a real-world environment with created perceptual information superimposed on top of it, in contrast to virtual reality (VR), which completely artificially recreates the scene.

Using augmented reality, viewers can receive new information or see how natural landscapes have been aesthetically altered. The main advantage of AR is that it effectively combines digital and three-dimensional (3D) elements with a person's view of the real environment. AR can be used for many things, including entertainment and decision-making support.

Here is a QR code to a video about 

VR and AR which might be interesting:
