
We may create interactive presentations using the platform Nearpod, a web 2.0 application. When we provide a lesson, we can include questions like multiple-choice, open-ended, or interesting exercises like matching pairs. Students' perception will remain at a high level in this approach. 

You can sign up as an administrator, instructor, or student. No account has to be created to access the student profile. To participate in an activity or lesson, you only need to utilize the code that the teachers will provide. Teachers can also share their content with students on many channels, such as social media or Google Classroom. They will have this option thanks to Nearpod.

For brainstorming, teachers might set up class discussions. Once students have provided an answer, teachers can view it and comment on whether it is correct or incorrect.In order to make pupils anonymous, it is also feasible to obscure their names. By doing this, kids are shielded from one another's negative effects. To assess students' performance or determine whether they have grasped a course topic sufficiently, teachers can also create gamified quizzes. They create inquiries and include potential responses.It is also possible to include images and a time limit. According to their responses, students will be grouped together.

Another activity category is writing exercises. Here, students are required to respond to a question with a brief essay in a set amount of time.It is mostly used to gauge participants' general understanding of a subject. These tasks can be completed in two different ways: synchronously with live participation choices or asynchronously with student-paced choices.


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